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Discovering Caffenol: A eco-friendly approach to film developing

Writer's picture: Riccardo PedicaRiccardo Pedica

Imagine a cozy room, a delightful smell of fresh coffee filling the air, and a roll of undeveloped film patiently waiting for its story to be revealed. This is where my journey with Caffenol began, a story as surprising as it is charming.

It all started with a simple idea: finding a more Earth-friendly way to develop my cherished film photos. I was tired of the complicated and not-so-eco-friendly chemicals used in traditional film development. The strong odors, precise measurements, and environmental concerns had me searching for a different approach.

Then, I stumbled upon Caffenol—a name that sounded more like a magic spell than a photo technique.

The idea of using coffee, vitamin C, and washing soda to develop film was exciting and a bit mysterious. It felt like discovering a hidden treasure map, promising a sustainable, chemical-free photography adventure.

With newfound enthusiasm, I set out on this unique journey. I scoured the internet for Caffenol recipes, each one feeling like a special recipe rather than photo instructions. As I gathered the ingredients, I couldn't help but marvel at the simplicity.

  • Coffee, something we all have in our homes, would become the developer.

  • Vitamin C, our trusty cold remedy, would be the magic ingredient for developing.

  • And washing soda, a laundry room staple, would speed up the process.

Mixing these ingredients together felt like creating a special brew of art. The rich coffee aroma blended with the tangy scent of vitamin C, creating a delicious mix that hinted at the creative magic about to happen.

The big moment came when I loaded my first roll of film into the development tank and poured in the Caffenol mix. As time ticked by, I watched with excitement as the photos gradually appeared on the film. It was like a quiet concert, each moment building anticipation until the negatives were ready to reveal their stories.

When I saw those first Caffenol-developed pictures, I was amazed.

The colors were beautiful, the contrasts were striking, and the overall quality surpassed my hopes. It was as if Caffenol had given my photos a new life, adding a unique charm that only this special method could bring.

Choosing Caffenol wasn't just a photography decision; it was a promise to care for our planet. No longer did I contribute to the harmful chemical waste produced by traditional development.

Instead, I found a way to combine my creative passion with my commitment to being eco-friendly


In my photography world, Caffenol is my trusted friend, a coffee-powered muse that turns my photo dreams into real images.

As a lot of people ask me to share my secrets here are the steps to start exploring with Caffenol

Materials You'll Need:

  1. Film Developer: Your Caffenol mixture (coffee, vitamin C, and washing soda).

  2. Film Fixer: A standard photographic fixer solution.

  3. Film Stop Bath: This can be plain water at the right temperature (usually around 68°F or 20°C).

  4. Developing Tank: To hold your film during the development process.

  5. Film Reels: To load your film onto in the developing tank.

  6. Film Squeegee or Clips: For hanging and drying the film.

  7. Thermometer: To monitor the temperature of your solutions.

  8. Timer: To keep track of your development times.

  9. Darkroom or Dark Bag: To load the film onto the reels.

Ingredients for Caffenol Developer:

  • Instant Coffee: 16 grams.

  • Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid): 8 grams.

  • Washing Soda (Sodium Carbonate): 8 grams.

  • Water: 350 ml.

Step-by-Step Caffenol Development Process:

1. Prepare Your Workspace:

  • Ensure you are in a darkroom or a light-tight dark bag.

  • Set up your materials and solutions within easy reach.

2. Load Film Onto Reels:

  • In complete darkness, load your exposed film onto the film reels inside your developing tank.

3. Prepare the Caffenol Developer:

  • Begin with 350 ml of water in a clean container.

  • Add 8 grams of washing soda (sodium carbonate) to the water.

  • Agitate the solution until the washing soda is completely dissolved. The water should become clear.

  • Next, add 8 grams of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) to the solution.

  • Agitate the mixture again until the vitamin C is fully dissolved.

  • Finally, add 16 grams of instant coffee to the container. Adjust the coffee amount based on your specific film type and the desired level of contrast in your photos.

  • Stir the mixture thoroughly until all the coffee granules are dissolved.

4. Pre-Soak:

  • Fill the developing tank with water at the same temperature as your Caffenol and let it sit for about 5 minutes.

5. Development:

  • Pour out the pre-soak water and pour in your Caffenol developer.

  • Agitate the tank gently by inverting it continuously for the first 30 seconds.

  • Then, agitate for 10 seconds at the beginning of each minute during the development process.

  • Develop for the recommended time for your specific film (usually 10-15 minutes).

6. Stop Bath:

  • Empty the Caffenol developer and use a stop bath (plain water) to halt the development process. Agitate for 1 minute.

7. Fixer:

  • Pour in the fixer solution as per the manufacturer's instructions.

  • Agitate the tank regularly for the recommended time (usually around 5 minutes).

  • The fixer makes the images on the film permanent.

8. Rinse:

  • Rinse the film thoroughly with running water for about 10-15 minutes or until the water runs clear.

9. Hang and Dry:

  • Use film squeegees or clips to hang your film in a dust-free area to dry.

10. Enjoy Your Photos: - Once your film is dry, cut and store it appropriately.

Remember that Caffenol development may require some experimentation to achieve your desired results. Factors like coffee type, concentration, and development time can all influence the final look of your photos. Enjoy the process of learning and creating unique, chemical-free images!

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